Truck Transport has provided us with quality equipment and knowledgeable drivers to give our customers the best possible service.
Jeff Rieckenberg / Unverferth Manufacturing Co, Inc.

Current News

Happy Thanksgiving!

Brooklyn Center, MN - When Americans sit down to enjoy their Thanksgiving feast they will consume a whopping 44 million turkeys.  Since turkeys can't fly how do they get to your holiday table?  The answer is simple: trucks.

In fact, it takes over 83,000 truckloads to make Thanksgiving happen, accoridng to a recent analysis conducted by the Minnesota Trucking Association. "If you lined up those trucks end to end you would create a convoy nearly 1,200 miles long, streting from Duluth, MN to Austin, TX heading down Interstate 35." said Minnesota Trucking Association President John Hausladen.

We wish you and your family a very joyous Thanksgiving!  

Truck Transport will be closed on Thursday, November 23rd & Friday, November 24th.

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